This posting is under construction
and we ask for your assistance.
Graduates and classmates who left SBHS prior to our 1963 graduation, who have passed away, are listed below.
Additional information is needed like their date of passing and a brief obituary.
If you have information that we could include,
or know of others who should be listed, please send it via email to sbhs63@gmail.com.
This is a work in progress and research will continue. Your assistance would be appreciated.
Over the course of an average lifetime you meet a lot of people.
Some of them stick with you through thick and thin,
some weave their way through your life and disappear forever.
But every once and awhile someone comes along
who earns a permanent spot in your heart.
Author Unknown
Please take a few moments
to reflect on the lives
of those classmates and friends listed below
who have passed away.
John Anderson
16 Jul 1945 - 6 Jun 1969
Aaron Bowen
1943 - 1998
Robert Ehlers
1945 - 1999

Mary Ann Konrad Bennet

Jerry Jacobe
22 Oct 1944 - 06 Aug 2015
John Knox
11 Oct 1945 - 29 Aug 2008

David McAllister
10 Feb 1945- 21 May 2008

Kenneth "Ken" Meyer
24 June 1945 - 25 July 2014

Bruce Miller
1944 - 1971
Harland Otis
1944 - 2003
Glen Peotter
28 May 1944 - 09 Dec 2012
Helen Conlon Ploor
01 May 1945 - 06 Jan 2017
Richard Schneider
18 Sept 1944 - 17 Aug 2006
Joel Sterling
20 Mar 1945 - 7 Mar 2001
Anthony Tess
1944 - 1977
Lynn Van Dreese Christenson
24 Dec 1944 - 31 Jul 2013

Bruce Watkins
1945 - 1999
James Wiese
1944 - 2001

David Zettel
1944 - 2001