The SBHS Class of '63 45th Reunion committee is working toward long-term improved communications with our classmates. To that end, we have established a class email address SBHS63@gmail.com and a blog http://sbhs63.blogspot.com/. You should have received a business card similar to the one above in your reunion packet. Post it near your computer, add us to your contact's list and ID the blog as a favorite in your browser. These steps will allow us to update you inexpensively and provide a location where we can eventually post class-related information. As the blog evolves we may even have a page for class members to post something about themselves. We seek your input for the blog and what you might like to see posted.
Please help us by sending an email with your current mailing and email address. SBHS63@gmail.com We promise not to flood your email with junk! Our contact data base is for the sole use of the Class of '63 and will not be shared. If a class member would like to contact the entire class they would first have to send the info to the SBHS63 email address for review. We respect your privacy.
Thanks for helping us meet our goal of "Keepin' in touch."
Mike Chisholm
DD Peichel Knutson
MJ Cordier
Virgi Gosser Gigstead
John Scheisser
Jean Weber Austad
Bob Fuller - Blog Administrator.
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