Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Class Politicians

Click on pictures to make them larger.

Here are our
class officers
for four years.
They proudly served us
at the highest levels.

Click on "Comment"
below and tell us
about their
terms of office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there no getting away from politics? I naively went to this blog to get some relief from the non stop campaign junk out there. My short term memory is history and now that I'm on the blog I wish the same could be said for the long term memory. This brings me back to the ugly campaign in 1962.
My conscience is clear because I voted for "None of the above". Look at our president. Herbie. Clearly not experienced enough to deal with the home grown terrorists (The Arnt and Benzow twins). Then Gary Poehls. Clearly the original flip flopper. He could not even settle on a nickname. Buckets or Pedro? Janet. She made Hillary look like a wall flower.

Is it to late for a recount?

Ray Dombrowe